Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Photography Pioneers

Modern day photography dates back to the early 1800's. The word photography is derived from the Greeks; photos meaning light and graphein meaning to draw. The word was first used in 1839 by scientist Sir John FW Herschel to describe a method of recording images. That was 12 years after the first photograph was captured by Frenchman Louis Jacque Mande Daguerre, a professional opera scene painter. This first process took eight hours and he then worked 12 more years to reduce the expose time to under 30 minutes and keep the image from disappearing. These first photographs were exposed on metal that had been sensitized to accept the image and were called Daguerreotypes after their French inventor. Then came the tintype, invented in 1856 by Hamilton Smith. This was a thin sheet of iron used as a base for light sensitive material to produce a photograph.

Along came an American from upstate New York, George Eastman, who was very fascinated by photography, but frustrated with what he considered cumbersome exposure methods. He developed a dry photographic plate, patented it in the United States and England and began his first photographic business in 1880. In 1884, he replaced the glass plates with paper rolls allowing multiple images to be taken much more quickly. Four years later, on September 4, 1888 he patented he "roll film camera". You could take your pictures, mail the camera to Kodak who would develop your 100 photos and send them back to you along with another roll of 100 exposures. Sound familiar? The big difference? You used to get your camera back, now you don't!

These pioneers would be amazed with the equipment available to us today. We have the digital camera, the SLR,35mm, the camcorder, automatic exposure and automatic focusing, zoom lens and video. We even take pictures with our cellphones, which we can then download onto our computers. We have the luxury of going just about anywhere to get that perfect shot. Indoors, outdoors, underwater, or on top of a mountain. We attach our camera to a tripod and set the self timer so we can be in that majestic mountain scene.

When the equipment was of a size to be transported from place to place, they certainly didn't have a camera case with a padded shoulder strap. We have a camera bag suited to fit every camera and the accessories. Backpacks for hiking up that trail and lens pouches.

We can take pictures as a hobby, while on vacation; supplement our income as a weekend photographer/writer for a local newspaper; or travel the world as a full-time photojournalist. Today, our photographic possibilities are limitless thanks, at least in part, to these photography trailblazers.

Suzanne VanDeGrift of Web Submission Services, Inc., has developed this article for, manufacturer of feature packed and functional digital camera bagsBerenice Blog9409
Alison Blog32463

Start A Home Day Care Business

Did you know the demand for professional childcare providers would increase 12% by 2012? As more and more parents search for reliable, quality childcare, the need will continue to grow! That means career opportunity for you!

You can start a home day care business with a minimal investment. This is a great business opportunity for anybody that loves kids, and wants to turn it into a career. In addition to the minimal investment that is needed, you will also already have the space for your kids being that you will be running your business out of your home. All in all, a home day care business is one of the best opportunities to make a lot of money without having to spend tons of it up front.

If you are gong to start a home day care business you need to make sure that you are aware of every last detail. Remember, you will be taking care of other peoples children. If anything happens to them you will be responsible. So the best way to avoid this is by simply getting everything lined up from the very beginning.

The first thing that you will need to do is make sure that your house is safe enough to run a home day care business. In other words, do you have the room to house all of the children without posing a threat to their safety? You should have a designated area in your home that you can run your home day care business out of. Never try to turn your entire home into the day care. This will only make a mess, and make it much more difficult for you to keep track of everything that is going on.

Also, your home needs to be child proof. You cannot have anything that may harm the children that you are watching. This includes things such as stairs that they could fall down, or small items that they could choke on. This is why having a designated area for your home day care business is of the utmost importance.

After you have your home set up, you need to make sure that you have all of the proper certificates and insurance in order to run a business out of your home. Many people overlook this, and end up running into big problems down the line. Do not let this happen to you. Get in touch with the appropriate people in your area and ask them what you need to do in order to set up a home day care business. More than likely your local municipality will be able to give you the information that you need in order to get started.

Starting a home day care business can be very profitable, and quite fun if you love children. Just make sure that before you start your home day care business that you have all of the loose ends tied up. This will ensure your chances of success as your business grows. Remember, as a day care owner you will have a rewarding, challenging career where youll see the results of your caring and creative efforts every day.

Earl Williams makes it easy to build your home-based business and earn a substantial income, learn how by Visiting: Blog66072
Arabele Blog33244

Grant Your Self A Better Education For Less

I'm not going to college because I just can't afford it. How many times do we hear those words form worried high school juniors and seniors. It's no wonder they think like that when tuition fees have been rising anywhere between 2% to as much as 26%. Before we all get lost in the Doom and Gloom there is a lot of GOOD news out there, you just have to know where to find it.

There really is an endless amounts of grants, scholarships and loans (those should be your last avenue), there really is no way a student cannot afford to attend college. Most students will be able to meet the following qualifications for a Pell Grant, (financial need), you must be attending a 4-year university you cannot be an inmate at a federal prison. That may well sound crazy but if your child is in a local penal facilities, they can still receive a Pell Grant. Nonetheless, if you meet those requirements, you are also eligible for the Academic Competitiveness Grants and the National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (SMART) Grants.

You must as a high school student, actively participate in math, science, or a language. You can see the curriculum criteria by states at Margaret Spellings, the U.S. Department of Education Secretary, says that the purpose of this program is to involve students in what she calls the global economy of today's world. Math, science and critical foreign language skills are the new currencies.

More than 500,000 students will be receiving these grants throughout the nation which amounts to more than $790 million dollars. The grant payments can be an additional $750 during freshman year; $1,300 during sophomore year; and up to $4,000 during junior and senior year. So lets do some math on the subject, if a student attends a public California university (say UCLA), the tuition fees would be somewhere around $7,000 for an in state student. If that student is granted the $4,000 by their last year, just from the SMART Grant, that leaves $3,000. Now subtract another $1,000 from the Pell Grant itself, and we are left with $2,000 left outstanding to be paid, thats $38.46 per week, not too much for an education.

For those students who have yet to apply for financial aid, visit or call for information on eligibility. And don't worry, these grants are not temporary. The grant amount is said to increase over the next five years.

Carl HamptonCele Blog3180
Camel Blog88063

Financing Your College Education

Through all of the ups and downs of applying to college there is one truth you should always remember:

if you want to go to college you will REGARDLESS OF FINANCIAL CIRCUMSTANCE.

Financing your college education can be the most stressful step in the process, however a little preparation and research make all the difference. The money is out thereyou just need to know where to look.

Scholarships are a great place to begin. The term scholarship does not only apply to aid granted to talented athletes at division I schools (though if you are a varsity athlete this could be an option and your coach is a great resource). In fact, there are innumerable scholarships and scholarship sources out there and you can start looking at any time.

Here are some suggestions for places to start in your quest of financing your college education;

First, look in your community. What activities are you involved in? Do you volunteer with children at a non-profit organization? Are you active within your religious community? Are you an aspiring writer/doctor/researcher? People and organizations are constantly setting up scholarships for future students based on any number of criteria. Ask around your community and look on-line.

Also, your high school offers scholarships for achievement in the arts, sports, or academics or perhaps to a student of a specific ethnic background or some combination of these. Go to your schools college office and ask for a list of scholarships offered by your school and the surrounding community.

Remember that the Internet is a great resource. You can never apply for too many scholarships because you have NOTHING to lose (only money to gain!) and remember that this is money that you will not have to pay back.

The next crucial step towards financing your education is to fill out your free application for federal student aid or FAFSA form. You will need to do this the winter before you plan to attend, so the colleges can assess your need and put together a financial aid package for you. It is recommended that you fill out the FAFSA online.

Make sure to be organized. For example, have your parents there with you because the form will require information regarding their income and taxes paid in the previous year. Also be ready to answer questions about your own earnings.

When your package arrives you will see that it is compiled of two main sections: Grants and loans. Federal grants will be given only to the students with the greatest financial need and does not have to be paid back. There are also loans in your FAFSA, which is money they will put up front for your education, but that you will have to pay back later with varying interest rates. There are options outside of your FAFSA depending on your specific circumstance and the school you plan to attend, (for example private loans) which should be researched by you, your school and your family. Though interest rates sound intimidating, remember that you are attending college to better your future and with that comes a higher income bracket. Remember to be realistic when negotiating a payment plan.

There can be many obstacles when facing your future educationbut remember that financing your college education should never be an insurmountable one. Accept the challenge with an open, organized mind and you will find a way to comfortably finance for your future.

To learn more about financing your college education visit How To Pay Student Loans at

Susanna Rasmussen is a regular contributor to How To Pay Student Loans. To read more articles on how to finance your college education or other college rlated articles please visit Blog2308
Bonny Blog56247

Battling the Sniffles

Sneezing much lately? Are your eyes watery and itching? If so, then you may be suffering from the common illness known as allergies. Americans across the country face the effects of this seasonal syndrome, and though allergies are treatable their symptoms are not always welcomed. Roughly 20% of Americans deal with them each year, emphasizing the need to do whatever possible to hopefully eliminate the possibility of the sneezing and itching episodes that arise. But just how can the estimated 45 million Americans who suffer from allergies prevent the harm that they cause?

First, it is necessary to understand what allergies actually are and how they affect the body. By definition, allergies are abnormal reactions to ordinary substances. The substances that account for these reactions are known as allergens, and they can be contracted through respiration, swallowing, or skin contact, thus making the body very vulnerable. There are hundreds of substances classified as allergens, including pollen, mold spores, and animal dander. When airborne, it is difficult to determine when exposed; the first few signs of allergic reactions include sneezing, itching, and skin rashes. Therefore, it is no doubt important to keep the air purified at all times so that symptoms do not intensify.

Whats interesting about allergies is they are overreactions of the bodys immune system attempting to fight off foreign airborne invaders that become present in the body. Exact causes are quite unclear, but it is safe to say that heredity plays a role in determining if ones immune system will be sensitive to certain substances. For the most part, allergies tend to be seasonal, usually causing the greatest concern in the spring and fall. The proper name for this type of annual illness is seasonal allergic rhinitis. You may have heard it referred to as hay fever as well. But how does a change of seasons bring rise to these unwanted symptoms?

When flowers start to blossom again and plants begin to sprout, they release pollens into the air. These pollens, or tiny powdery grains, are carried off by wind and insects, causing them to spread at rapid rates, especially during the spring and fall seasons. When reaching a persons eyes, nose, and lungs, the body responds in a strange way by releasing histamines, which account for the allergic symptoms. It should be noted that trees and grass also release pollen into the air, thus explaining the reasoning behind why allergies tend to be seasonal.

As a homeowner, it is important to take the necessary measures so that these unwanted contaminants do not build up in your household. Among all allergens, dust mites and pet dander are some of the most common household substances that account for the undesired symptoms. Dust mites are found in furniture, and it is actually the waste particles of these dust mites that make up the chunks of dust found in the corners of your kitchen. As far as pets are concerned, the allergic reactions are not caused by the hair from the pet but rather the urine, saliva, and dander that the animal releases. Dander is defined as dead skin flakes, and when emitted from the pets body it combines with other contaminants to become an airborne allergen.

While various medical treatments are offered to prevent allergic symptoms, cleaning the air in your household is considered an efficient method of eliminating a significant portion of these unwanted substances. Ionic and HEPA air purifiers are filtration products that are able to destroy the pollen, dander, and other airborne pollutants that can have a negative effect on your health. Most of the units today are constructed to operate in single rooms and guarantee an efficiency of about 98%. Ionic purifiers emit an electric field, which basically kills any surrounding airborne contaminants within a certain radius from the unit. HEPA units, on the other hand, actually run cycles of air through a filter which captures the harmful substances, allowing the newly-purified air to pass through. Both types of units are considered effective, but they do have their drawbacks. For instance, some of these models have recently been tested by the government to insure that they are not releasing unhealthy levels of ozone into the air.

In addition to investing in an air-purification system, there are several other measures that can be taken to reduce the likelihood of suffering from allergens (or other air pollutants for that matter). One of the most obvious solutions is to try and keep both the windows and doors closed during heavy pollen seasons. This will eliminate the possibility of contracting any allergens by not even allowing them into the scene. Keeping plants out of the house is also recommended, as the pollen that they can produce is a known catalyst for allergic reactions. Washing sheets and furniture regularly is yet another preventable measure. Finally, bearing in mind that pets can be a primary source of dander is important in families with a member whose immune system is very sensitive to airborne allergens. Well getting rid of a pet is not necessarily the only solution, bathing it regularly and purifying the air will help in preventing dander from accumulating.

Understanding the basis of allergies, such as what they are, how they affect the human body, and why symptoms occur is an ongoing importance that people, particularly adults, need to become more aware of. The best way to recognize them is to monitor how much you are sneezing each day, as it is a common initial reaction to exposure. Taking the appropriate measures is essential in eliminating the possibility of allergies developing in your household, with air purification ranking high on the list of preventable solutions.

In addition, seeking medical attention is advised if symptoms become severe. By following all of the advised steps and taking the time to learn a little about the basics of allergies, you will hopefully be able to finally win the battle against the sniffles.

John McColgan runs Nano 02 ( and Pharmatropic ( a leading air purification and health product manufacturer. Buffy Blog58273
Alexina Blog12181

Long Island Schools Rethink Gym Credit

The Problem

Teachers, students, and parents at Long Island schools have been struggling with how to give credit for physical education classes. On the one hand, many argue that counting gym like an academic class can badly affect the GPA of students who are strong academically but do not do well in gym. On the other hand, others argue that when students know that the gym class does not affect their GPA they do not put the effort and attention into the class in order to improve their physical health.

Long Island Schools have decided to strike a middle ground and allow students to choose whether they want it to count or not. The decision only applies to current sixth through ninth graders so it will not affect current graduating high school students. 24 of the 60 schools in the Suffolk County district have decided to handle gym in this way, hoping to please groups on both sides while addressing the needs of students.

The Process

Many of the changes were suggested by parents who signed petitions to allow physical education to be counted on GPAs instead of as a pass / fail mark as it had been in the past. The superintendent and the school boards of Long Island schools met to consider the proposals from parents to figure out how to make the physical education curriculum the most effective for students as well as the most standardized in grading.

In addition to parental concern, there was also intense scrutiny of the new New York State Standards for Physical Education. The argument here is that the new standards have clear aims and objectives that can be measured and graded like an academic class. Superintendents of Long Island schools determined that in implementing these new standards in the physical education curriculum, the schools would be able to give grades for accomplishing certain tasks rather than the all encompassing pass / fail marks.

What People Think

Reactions to the change have been mixed. Some parents are looking forward to counting the physical education class on the GPA while others are worried about hurting the academic side of their childs report card. One board member stated: "I think that phasing it in provides us the opportunity to see how it goes. Allowing the option would not hurt a student's GPA." The decision also pleased Jonathan Estrada, who will be a senior this fall at Northport High School. Earlier in the school year, he had become concerned when he learned that the new policy would be mandatory. "I was immediately sort of troubled about it," he said. "You shouldn't be hurt from a grade that doesn't reflect the actual ability."

In academic circles, many educators are applauding the change, citing the need for a stronger and more comprehensive program in physical education to tackle the current health problems of Americas youth. University studies and national surveys all point to the increased grading and evaluating of physical education as key to keeping the class relevant and useful for students. Counting the class as a grade will help students take the class more seriously, and hopefully translate into healthier students in and out of Long Island schools.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on Long Island schools visit Blog17127
Alfie Blog41818

Theres More to MP3

The association with the term is such that MP3 is considered synonymous to songs. What few know is that it also offers the facility of Pod casting which is fast turning into a hot trend in the field of online audio. Pod casting is a term evolved by fusing digital music players (Pod from I-Pod) transmission (or broadcasting). In Pod casting programmes the participants hold an interactive session of chatting, playing songs, etc and convert the recording into a digital audio file. Pod casters mostly patronize the MP3 format.

In a compact disc (CD) the sound quality is superior as musical sounds are recorded on it by turning them into digits. 44,100 samples per second, 16 bits per sample and two channels (for stereo sound) are required to store music on a CD. About 10 million bytes (megabytes) of data per minute of music are stored on a CD and for a three-minute song 30 megabytes of data are needed. Anybody who has tried to download files on the Internet would understand that 30 megabytes is a massive quantum of memory space and using a modem for the purpose of Internet connectivity, 30 megabytes of data could take several hours to download.

For the purpose of recording/storing video data, MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) has created systems of compression. Thus, to fit video and movie data into smaller spaces for movie; DVDs, HDTV broadcasts and DSS satellite systems, MPEG compression is used. A subsystem that compresses sound is called MPEG Audio Layer-3. The MP3 system enables a 30-megabyte sound file from a CD to be compressed to 3 megabytes and stored in an MP3 disc. It makes no difference to the sound quality and on downloading an MP3 file it plays as well as the original file. It is also possible to download an MP3 file and stretch it back to the original size for the purpose of recording it on a writable CD that could be played on a CD player that cannot read MP3 files. It is mere conversion of different formats to make the process of downloading that much easier.

Copyrights protected article written by Andrew Stratton for More articles and information about the spy camera products can be viewed easily altogether at this location Please be free to explore the website for more information on every surveillance products and their features.Amandie Blog55412
Cal Blog68320

What You Need To Know About Glassware And Fire Pit Glass?

One of my friends asked me about fire pit glass and I found I had absolutely no idea about what he was talking about. I am a person who relies a lot on the internet and hence, I immediately went to check out what definition the web gives for glassware and fire pit glass. I was surprised to find precious little on the web; there are very few things that the World Wide Web does not have in depth information on and it seems like the glassware and fire pit glass is one of them.

Searching Details and Meaning of Glassware and Fire Pit Glass

Exiting the vast web, I turned to my friends and books to find out about glassware and fire pit glass. Again, I came up with very little information. Some of my friends were of the opinion that the term indicated the use of glass in making fire pits. Using this hint, I looked up again seeking information from this angle.

This time, I was luckier. I did find some descriptions of glassware and fire pit glass but the description was not sufficient for me to gather an in-depth idea about the term; neither could I get any more leads. Out of what I read, I gathered that glassware and fire pit glass, as a term/phrase may be referring to the fancy glass fire pits that are becoming so popular.

The glass fire pits are usually made out of glass, aiming at making them look like they are holding burning embers or wood logs. This sometimes looks extremely authentic, so much so that many people do not believe it is a fake or an imitation unless they touch it. These fireplaces are not only looking great, but also make for some extremely exquisite and unique interior decoration pieces.

There is a great deal of utility attached to this beautiful portable glass fire pits. Besides the fact that they enhance the beauty of any interior, they can also be used outdoors. The designs of these glass fire pits are becoming better and better by using the right color combinations for making it look like the real thing. These colors include fire-orange, white, iridescent blue, purple, red and many combinations between these colors which give a very realistic look.

Hence, in the end I did get some details on the term, glassware and fire pit glass, though not in the measure I would have liked to have information. However, at least I got an idea about what the terms implies and hopefully so did you.

Gert Gambell is a part time sport betting pro that teach how to bet and never loose at Reason for writing this article is that Gert later found and recommend a complete site about all kinds of glassware and glassware accessories, Blog75563
Aline Blog40052

Your First Trip Overseas On International Business

Making Contacts

Many cultures outside of the U.S. work on the basis of relationships. People prefer to work with people they know. Therefore, a cold call is often not the best approach to meeting people and making contacts. If you know someone who is close to the firm that you desire to contact, it may be best to try to first meet your counterparts with the help of this connection. Working with an organization that can assist you with your initial contact can be ideal. Many of these third-party firms are industry-related and advertise frequently in local trade magazines. Other venues through which to meet potential contacts and clients are conferences and trade shows. Many of these shows are held in the United States and it is helpful if you do some pre-investigative work. Alternatively, it is worthwhile, and may be even more beneficial, to target a local trade conference in the region in which you desire to make contacts.

Entrepreneurs and large firms should both take advantage of the resources offered to U.S. firms by the Department of Commerce ( A trade mission is particularly valuable for small firms who do not already have a presence in the country of interest. A trade mission to a particular country is organized by your local department of commerce for the purpose of helping you establish business contacts there. Many trade missions have notable leaders such as the mayor of your city or the business leader of a major organization to help increase visibility for the group in the country. The cost of trade missions usually ranges from $2,000-$5,000 and includes the hotel, flight and appointments. The Department of Commerce also offers a great deal of expert help, free or for a nominal fee, to assist you in creating a business plan or developing export opportunities.

Once you have made contacts and collected business cards, follow up with a letter of thanks for these peoples time. Include a press kit, which explains your firm, its products and services, and your position in the firm. If you are planning to visit your potential business partners, request an appointment by letter or fax, if e-mail and phone are not options. Be specific in what you want to cover, who will be traveling with you, and a few suggested dates, then allow time for response to your request. Try to make these arrangements at least three weeks before you travel. You may need this much time to book hotels and flights anyway.

Researching the Firm

In order to be effective in international business it is important that you conduct a fair amount of research on the firms and the marketplace in which you desire to work. An excellent start is to pick up materials and meet distributors at a trade show. Many firms now have web sites on the Internet so it is a good idea to visit them as part of your preparation. There are credible commercial firms such as Dun and Bradstreet ( that can provide various reports, such a credit report, on companies you might be interested in. If the firm is large, there is a good chance something will be in the files. If the firm has filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), you can access information at

If the firm is small and does not have a U.S. office, it may be more difficult to gather information. Many companies outside of the U.S. are not required to file reports as American firms must do. Accounting practices vary worldwide, so it may be difficult to get information on some companies. If you are planning to visit a specific country, an excellent web site is which offers information on various countries, their key exports, current economic situation, etc., compiled from U.S. Department of Commerce data. In addition, try to talk to people who have worked with the companies you are contacting to get an idea of how they conduct business, their positive and negative points, and their management structure and decision-making process.

Creating an Agenda

Once you have made an appointment to meet with business people in another country, it is beneficial to propose an agenda to help your contacts understand what topics you intend to cover at your meeting. Many American businesswomen suggest that if you send an agenda in advance it helps clarify your position as the leader and an important participant in the business meeting. It also helps set the direction of the meeting and what you intend to accomplish.

A good agenda usually includes a statement of purpose and some idea of what you want to achieve at the meeting, as well as a list of participants who will attend and how they will contribute to the meeting. In some cultures agendas are not adhered to, because casual discussions used to build relationships are preferred before getting down to business. Other cultures follow agendas more rigidly, and your contacts will expect a fair amount of detail. Before the initial meeting, your proposed agenda may help to initiate a dialogue on what each party expects to cover at the meeting. Give your counterparts plenty of time to review your agenda and respond back with additions or alternative suggestions.

Business Cards

Business cards are very important in many cultures of the world. The information on the card helps identify who you are and your place within your organization. For women, this can help enhance credibility by showing that you are an important member of the firm and where you are in the firms hierarchy. Make sure you use a title that is well understood cross-culturally. For example, the titles Manager and Director are usually well understood, but titles such as Specialist may cause confusion.

If you have your business cards translated into the language of the country you are visiting before you go, make sure you select a translation firm that is adept with the local language, and then have the cards proofread by someone else who speaks the local language to ensure there are no translation mistakes. Alternatively, some business people prefer to wait until they arrive in the foreign country before they have their cards translated. Many hotels overseas have a business card translation service or can recommend a local firm. Some can translate and print cards in 24 hours, while others take a few days. Be sure to check before you go. Plan to bring a lot of business cards with you, particularly if you will be meeting large groups.

Travel to Your Business Destination

Gathering Information

If you have time, call the tourist boards of the countries youll be visiting and ask for maps and information on your destination. Major automobile clubs, such as AAA, also have touring books and maps by country for their members, and most libraries have travel books. Many Internet sites offer sightseeing information too. Once youve arrived, youll find that most hotels also have an English local guide and maps of the city you are visiting. You can usually get a local newspaper on the airplane to read up on the country, events, and local happenings. Most hotels offer local TV news stations and usually one is in English.

Passports and Visas

Travel to any country outside of the U.S. will require a passport. If you do not have a passport, make sure you allow yourself plenty of time to get one. You can find a passport center in your local phone book or by searching for passport applications on the World Wide Web. If you already have a passport, make sure it will not expire during the trip. Also be aware that some countries require that your passport be valid up to six months from the start date of your trip. For current information on how to get a passport and what you need for overseas travel go to

In addition to a passport, some countries will also require a visa. Visas allow you entry into a country for a specific period of time; they usually need to be renewed for continued visits. If you are not sure of the requirements of the country youre planning to visit, check with the U.S. embassy or the foreign embassy in your area. Some agencies process passports and visas at the same time. Make sure you procure enough photos for your passport and visas, although some processing agencies will take photos for you. If you plan to have passport and visa photos taken on your own, determine in advance exactly what youll need how many photos, what size, and what angles are required. For example, a visa photo may require partial side photography to expose your ear, whereas the passport photo is usually a frontal view. Also, certain countries, such as Brazil, may have different visa applications depending on what city in the U.S. you are from, and these requirements may change frequently. If you plan to travel in and out of the country several times during the course of your visit, be sure to get a visa allowing multiple visits. For current visa information go to:

Booking Your Flights

Be sure to ascertain flight availability, flight times, and rates to international destinations well in advance of your trip. Dates that are optimal for you may be holiday times for the people in the country you are planning to visit, and holiday seasons in some countries can last for weeks. This may make it difficult to reserve a flight for a specific date or time, and airline fares tend to increase during holiday seasons. If you are planning to travel to several countries within a particular region, such as Asia, Europe or Latin America, it is usually helpful to work with a travel agent who handles that region. The agent can help you with flight alternatives, hotel alliances, travel packages, and advance notice of special rates on commonly traveled flight paths.

Additional tips to keep in mind:

If you are traveling to a country in a different time zone, make sure you check the flight arrival date and time to be sure you have sufficient time to arrive at your meetings. It is easy to make mistakes when traveling across time zones.

Some travelers advise arriving the day before in order to adjust to significant time zone changes. You dont want to fall asleep in the middle of a meeting.

Make sure you reconfirm your flight 24 hours in advance. This should be done before each leg of the flight, particularly when you are outside the U.S. Flight times change frequently, and passengers are not always notified. Your hotel desk clerk or concierge a hotel staff member who assists guests with luggage, messages, and tour reservations -- will usually do this for you if you are unfamiliar with the language.


Book your hotel in advance; do not wait until you arrive to find a hotel. Choose a hotel close to your meeting place, since many cities have heavy traffic congestion and require extra travel time. If you can, stay in a major hotel in a populated area for safety reasons. When you travel to a major city you will most likely find a hotel chain that is locally owned, as well as a European hotel chain, an Asian hotel chain and an American hotel chain. Each chain will offer a different type of setting and services. If you are accustomed to the services of American hotels, consider staying in one, at least on your first trip. Many women advise that you stay in well known hotels in populated areas, preferably with staff at the door at night for extra safety.


For many businesswomen, international travel means a new office in a new country each day. This may require traveling by car, train or plane to the next destination each evening. Most businesswomen agree that packing light is an absolute essential for business travel. It will save you packing time at the hotel, as well as a lot of time at the baggage claim counter in airports if you can avoid checking luggage. Also, in some countries you may find that your hotel room is on the third floor and there is no elevator and no porter. Having to carry a lot of luggage up three flights of stairs is no fun at all.

Bring easy-to-carry luggage that is not too bulky; luggage on wheels is helpful. If you plan to take trains and local planes, easy-to-lift luggage will help you with overhead storage. Stick to carry-on luggage if possible, but if you have to check your bags, make sure to pack a change of clothing and some toiletries in a carry-on bag, in case your luggage gets lost.

For other business executives, international travel may mean spending several weeks in one location before moving on to the next stop. To keep luggage minimal in this situation, packing considerations should include having enough variations in your wardrobe to keep your outfits fresh. Plan for some hand washing and dry cleaning during your trip.

General Packing Tips

To help lighten your travel load, consider making a list, outlining in detail what you need, what you can discard along the way, and what you do not need to carry. For example, four- and five-star hotels usually provide a hair dryer, shampoo, soap and bath gels.

Pack dark, versatile clothes that dont wrinkle and can be easily layered.

Stick to conservative color schemes, such as gray, navy, black, olive and brown. Try to have your clothes blend with each other so you can interchange them. It is best to avoid loud colors.

Clothing will wrinkle if it is loosely packed. Factor this in when you are choosing a travel bag.

Try layering your clothes with dry cleaning plastic bags, or hang them in a garment bag. This helps the clothes slide against each other and not wrinkle.

If you are flying, ask to have your garment bag hung up if there is no space lay it out in the overhead bin. If you are driving, try to hang the garment bag or lay it flat in the back seat.

If you are using a carry-on duffel bag, consider rolling your clothes, then hanging them up as soon as you arrive.

If you are flying, put your toiletries in zip-tight plastic bags to help guard against leaks caused by pressure changes.

Stick to carry-on luggage if possible. If you have to check your bags, make sure to pack a change of clothes and toiletries in your carry-on bag in case your luggage gets lost.

If you have reading to do, consider making copies so that you can discard the materials along the way so your briefcase doesnt get filled with paper, which adds extra weight. If you have magazines, rip out or copy the articles of interest, and leave the rest behind. Consider mailing home large quantities of business papers collected along the way.

Bathrooms vary worldwide, as does the toilet tissue. Bring some of that too if you are fussy.

Bring an electronic adapter kit good for several countries if you have electric items such as a hair dryer or electric razor. You can find these in most electronic and travel stores. In some hotels you may also be able to borrow them at the desk.

Bring a small travel alarm clock, as many hotels dont provide them.

If you are traveling to areas with varying seasons, wear comfortable clothes in layers. Many businesses do not have air-conditioning or central heating. The buildings can get very hot in the summer or very cold in the winter.

In cool, humid winter areas, wool suits, jackets, and dresses are best since wool soaks up moisture while keeping you warm. A light jacket or cardigan sweater is usually a good item to bring anywhere. For hot, humid areas, linen and cotton suits are most comfortable.

For rainy regions, bring a raincoat and a folding umbrella. (Some business hotels also offer umbrellas for use by their guests).

Packing for a Week

For an average business trip of one week, most women agree that one suit (a jacket and matching skirt), a coordinating skirt or slacks, and several varied blouses should suffice. If your trip extends to two weeks, then you may want to add a blazer and an additional skirt or pair of slacks. Combinations of black and white (solids and patterns) are popular among businesswomen, as they are easy to coordinate with many colors of blouses. Good walking shoes are essential to manage the cobblestones, rough construction areas and train stations, as well as inclement weather. A leather briefcase can serve as a handbag. Pack minimal makeup and jewelry.

Other considerations:

Be creative with your business attire. Use pants, skirts, blazers and suit jackets that can give you several different combinations with a minimal number of items. Change your look with blouses, scarves and other accessories.

Consider bringing washable silk blouses if you do not think you will have time for dry cleaning during the visit or between destinations.

Wear neutral-colored hosiery, limited jewelry and neutral makeup.

Bring extra undergarments for hot and humid areas where you will perspire more. Plan to wash your smalls nightly (some women bring a small plastic bottle or packets of lingerie cleaner with them).

Flying Comfortably

Depending on where you are traveling from, the airplane trip overseas can be very long. If you will have time to check in to your hotel before your first meeting, then a light sweat suit and walking shoes may be your most comfortable attire for the flight. They will also come in handy if you have time later in the trip for an evening walk around some of the local sights. If you must head directly to a meeting after landing, consider wearing comfortable attire on board, then changing clothes in the airplane bathroom or in the airport when you arrive.

When planning your flight, also consider the following:

Drink a lot of water, as flying is very dehydrating. Water will help reduce fatigue and headaches that can come with long flights.

Eat lightly on the plane, and even the night before you fly, to help you adjust to a different meal schedule.

Avoid alcohol on the plane. It is dehydrating and can throw off your sleep cycle.

Wear loose clothing and try to stretch or walk around a few times while on board to improve your circulation and avoid leg cramps.

Take off your shoes and wear a pair of socks while flying. Your feet will probably swell, and tight shoes will become uncomfortable.

Clogging of the ears during descent and landing is a common problem on long flights. Chewing gum and yawning may provide relief. Quickly drinking carbonated water may help as well. Another approach is the Valsalva maneuver: Hold your nose and keep your mouth open, while gently blowing out with a few short breaths. This causes the ears to pop. Other recommendations include taking a decongestant pill or using a decongestant nasal spray.

Using a saline nasal spray two hours before you take off and 15 minutes before you land will help you clear your breathing passages.

If you wear contact lenses, bring a spare pair or, if you wear disposable lenses, bring extras, in addition to your glasses. You may find that contacts become dry in your eyes while you are on board the plane. It is best to take them out for the flight and wear glasses. If you do wear lenses during the flight, keep lubricating drops handy and use them frequently.

Bring a neck pillow (most travel stores carry them) to help you sleep, especially if you have a center seat on the plane. Bring sleep masks (most airlines supply these) to create darkness. Keep eye drops, toothbrush and toothpaste, lip balm, eye cream (there are also re-hydrating eye patches), and a face toner in your purse to help you feel refreshed during the flight.


To avoid airport lines later, some travelers prefer to exchange enough money for the taxi ride to the hotel before they board their international flight. Others wait until they arrive and exchange money at one of the local bank stalls at the airport. Many airports have ATMs (Automatic Teller Machines) on site. Most travelers prefer to use ATMs as they offer the best currency exchange rates with the lowest administration fees.

In general, most travelers advise that you use your credit cards as much as possible because they offer the best currency exchange rates. In some countries you can use credit cards to pay for your taxi rides. Check at the airport.

Use the ATM to get cash when you are in foreign countries. They are now popular in most major cities, offer a current exchange rate, and charge a minor transaction fee. They usually offer better rates than the hotels. Make sure you use an ATM that is in a safe, populated location such as the airport or a major shopping center.

Exchanging currency can be a challenge when you are traveling to several countries in quick succession. Coins are usually not exchanged back into U.S. currency, so you could be left with a lot of change on your return. Try to use all your coins before you leave each country. The sundry counter at the airport is a good place to purchase gum, mints, books, snack foods and souvenirs.


Americans tend to tip more liberally than other nationalities. In fact many cultures dont understand why a tip is necessary at all. Why would you give extra money for just doing your job? Views of tipping are changing however. I was recently in Singapore, a country where tipping is traditionally not expected, and had a hotel porter hanging around for a tip trying to do extra services for me such as fluffing pillows, hanging my clothes, opening the drapes, getting ice. However, in another case I once had a tip handed back to me in disgust by a Japanese taxi driver. It is usually best to check with your hotel concierge on the local protocol and the current guidelines on tipping.

In some countries an automatic tip or service charge is added to restaurant bills. This is popular in Europe. Make sure you check your bill to see if a charge has been added. This service charge can be as high as 15 or 20% in some countries. To make it more confusing, some establishments add a service charge to your bill and add a line on the bill for an extra tip. Most advise that the extra tip would only be expected if exceptional service was provided.

Communications Tools

Traveling with your Portable Computer

When I traveled to Milan, Italy for the first time, I was very excited about what this great city of fashion would be like. I selected a hotel in the downtown area so that I could be near all the sites and hotspots. However, I neglected to check on whether the hotel had a data line in the room or a business center where I could hook up my PC to get e-mail. I was unpleasantly surprised to learn that the hotel had neither. Consequently, I had to review my e-mail every night while sitting in the bathtub after detaching a phone outlet in the bathroom it was the only way I could get an outbound dial tone. (Atlanta, Georgia)

The portable computer has become a staple for many business travelers. If you are planning to travel with yours, here are some things to check before you go:

Check with your hotel in advance to find out whether your room will have a data line and a telephone line so you can plug in your computer and use the phone at the same time. Some hotels now even offer in-room personal computers, so you can just bring the diskettes youll need.

If you work for a large firm, make sure you get all necessary phone numbers and set-up information in advance. Print out phone numbers for multiple cities and locations that you might possibly be in.

If you work for a small firm, or you own your own firm, call your ISP (Internet Service Provider) before you go and make sure they have international connections and phone numbers where you are traveling. Some do not.

Make sure you pack all the items to need create an international connection, such as a small screwdriver, adaptor jacks and security password cards.

Check your e-mail (electronic mail) software package. Some will allow you to put in your own phone calling card. This will be less expensive than using the hotel phone line.

Make sure you test your connection before you go. It is worth the long distance call to ensure that a connection can be made.

Make sure you bring all necessary files with you and have them loaded on the portable computer before you go.

You will be required to pass your computer through the carry-on baggage x-ray scanner at the airport. The x-ray machine will not harm your disk drive, although some travelers still prefer to carry their floppy diskettes around the machine and hand them to the security agent for review.

Expect to be stopped at the airport by security. You may be asked to power up your computer to ensure that it is not a bomb. Make sure the computer has enough battery charge to do this.

Keep your eye on the portable computer while on the belt lest someone picks it up in error or intended theft.

If you plan to work on the plane, remember that you will not be allowed to power up until the airplane is at cruising altitude and you will need to turn your computer off during the airplane descent.

Bring extra batteries if you plan to work on the plane and in case you need extras while you are on the road.

Check to see if your portable computer has an international power supply so that you can plug in to various outlets. Bring adapters for the different countries you will visit.


Some pointers to keep in mind while telephoning in other countries:

If you plan to bring a phone charge card when you travel, check the access numbers with your carrier before you go.

Hotels will usually have instructions in the room on how to make a long distance call.

It is usually cheaper to use your phone cards than the hotel phone.

It might be possible for you to use your cell phone when traveling overseas. Check with the consulate, embassy or telecommunications provider in advance to find out if you can. You may be required to register your cell phone upon entry to the country.

You may be able to rent a cell phone in the country you are visiting.

Phone Etiquette

If you are phoning your international counterpart, remember to introduce yourself by stating your name, title and company. If a receptionist answers the phone, ask by name for the individual you are trying to reach.

Learn enough of the countrys language to be able to ask for the person by name in the local language. The person answering the phone may not speak English.

Keep phone conversations courteous but short and to the point.

As with person-to-person communications, give the person on the other end of the line your undivided attention. Do not hold an outside conversation, eat, or do other things while you are on the phone. This is usually obvious to the other party, and it may be interpreted as a lack of interest or respect.

If you must look up information or find a report, tell your party that you will call back, rather than having the person wait while you go through your files.

If you are holding a telephone meeting, have the agenda in front of you to keep your call on track.

Make your own phone calls. It is best to contact the person directly instead of through an intermediary. You will come across as more personal and sincere this way.

Call for a reason. Your international contacts are busy. Keep to the point so they wont feel you are keeping them from their work.

Before you end the call, repeat and summarize the points made during the conversation to be sure both sides understand each others position. Also, thank the person for his or her time and make a positive statement, such as saying how informative the call was.

If you are disconnected, call back immediately. Phone disconnections are relatively frequent during international calls.

If you are using a personal answering machine instead of company voicemail, be sure your greeting is professional and without music or other background noise.

Many firms do not use answering machines or voicemail and still consider it alienating. Be aware that an international caller may not choose to leave a message on your machine.

E-mail Etiquette

Business people in other countries may prefer to conduct part of their business via e-mail (electronic mail). E-mail saves time and money, and is an easier method of communication than the phone. It also provides back-up documentation of communication exchanges. Before assuming that any one method is preferred, be sure to inquire about how your foreign associates prefer to communicate.

If you are using e-mail with foreign associates:

Start your e-mails with a friendly salutation and end with a friendly closing.

Include the date in the e-mail and use a signature. Most e-mail packages provide a signature option which allows you to automatically send your name, title, phone number, fax and cell phone numbers, web-site address, e-mail information and mailing address on the bottom of every e-mail you send. This provides current business card information with each correspondence.

The subject line of the e-mail should indicate the topic of the message. Change the subject line if the topic changes so both sides can keep track of the correspondence and can refer quickly back to an e-mail.

Write in a concise style, but be friendly. Most people prefer short, easy-to-read e-mails over lengthy ones that may cause eye fatigue.

Dont use slang, send critical messages, or confusing text.

Dont put your text in all capital letters; this may be interpreted as SHOUTING.

If you do not get a response to your e-mail, call first before you send repeated messages. Phone lines and servers are down more frequently in foreign countries and e-mails are not transmitted as quickly as in the U.S.

Respond as quickly to an e-mail inquiry as you would to a phone call.

Some American businesswomen suggest using initials when working with men in foreign countries who they have not met yet. They feel that men automatically assume that they are working with other men in business and will converse more openly about business if they assume they are working with a man.

Other women suggest that you should sign your name in full, with your title, as your title will take precedence over gender in international business.

Good Things to Know

The 24-Hour Clock

Most countries outside of the U.S. use the 24-hour clock. Each hour in this clock is referred to in 100s so 1:00 a.m. = 100 hours, and this continues to noon which is 1200 hours. Then 1:00 p.m. becomes 1300 hours. An easy way to figure out time is to deduct 12 from the time to convert it back into U.S. terms. So 1800 hours would be 18-12 or 6 p.m.

Temperature Conversions

To convert a Fahrenheit temperature reading to the Celsius (or Centigrade) scale, subtract 32, then divide by 1.8. To convert Celsius into Fahrenheit, multiply the Celsius temperature by 1.8, then add 32. A quicker and easier way to make approximate conversions is to subtract 30 from Fahrenheit, and divide by 2 to get Celsius, or to double the Celsius temperature, and add 30 to get Fahrenheit. Its close enough.

Metric System Conversions

1 mile = 1.609 kilometers (km)
1 kilometer = 0.621 mile

1 yard = 0.914 meter (m)
1 meter = 1.094 yards

1 foot = 0.305 meter (m)
1 meter = 3.281 feet

1 inch = 2.54 centimeters (cm)
1 centimeter = 0.39 inch

1 pound = 0.453 kilogram (kg)
1 kilogram = 2.205 pounds

1 U.S. gallon = 3.785 liters (L)
1 liter = 0.264 U.S. gallon

1 imperial gallon = 4.545 liters
1 liter = 0.22 imperial gallon

For a quick, approximate conversion from kilometers to miles: halve the kilometers, then add 10% of the original number. For example:

74 km / 2 = 37
37 + 7.4 = 44.4 miles

Another way is to multiply the kilometers by 60%. For example:

74km x 0.60 = 44.4 miles

Tracey Wilen is Author at Blog84628
Anita Blog85039

URL Forwarding and Redirection

Webmasters and common Internet users have a constant need for URL forwarding and redirection. The reason is that there are many long URLs that are not convenient to use. The solution is using a URL redirection service that would create a shorter URL and forward the long URL to the short one. is a new free URL forwarding and redirection service that meets these needs. can instantly turn every awkward and inconvenient long URL into a handy and easy to use short URL. also allows you to choose your own suffix (the part after the "/" in the URL), so the URL will be easy to remember and represent the page it refers to.

So why would someone want to use it? Heres a few common cases:

For Your own use:

Lets say that you often search for the map of Brooklyn in Google maps. The URL is

Of course its not convenient to use and its impossible to remember.

Using URLic you can create this URL:

This can easily be remembered.

For emailing and posting:

Lets say that you want to post a long URL on your website or in an article or just send to

your friends in an Email or to you customers in a newsletter. Long URLs just dont look good. With you can create an Easy and Friendly URL for posting or Emailing.

For your website:

Lets say that you have a website or a webpage on a free web host, without you own domain.

The URL would be something like:

This is not easy to use, remember or tell people.

With you can easily create a URL like:

To hide your Affiliate link:

Lets say that you have affiliate referral links on your site, this links usually contain numbers and are not easy to use. Besides, many people know that these are affiliate links and dont want to click them. With you can mask these links into short and good looking links.

What are the other advantages of ? is a 100% WEB 2.0 website, built with AJAX. The meaning is that there are no page reloads of any kind, and the user experience is just like of a desktop application. also allows you to choose your own suffix, unlike some other services. When using the automatic URL (without choosing a suffix), will always give you the shortest possible URL.

All Rights Reserved to Eugine Campbell, Webmaster of Blog2308
Camile Blog97815

Entering College For Free Through Scholarship

The cost of college education is constantly increasing every year. Presently, a student has to pay for about $20,000 on an average school. The problem is, at this amount many American households find it difficult to maintain at least a member of their family to finish a degree or at least stay in school for the following year. This problem can be solved, however, through college scholarships.

There are different college and university scholarships available for different types of student. With a little knowledge on their nature, you may find one where you can fit in; and hopefully finishing college for free.

So what are your college scholarship options?

Academic scholarship

Academic scholarship is given to students who receive the highest mark in the graduation class, endorse by the school to apply for an academic scholarship or meet the necessary grade point average set by the school. If you do not fall in any of the conditions mentioned, ask your high school academic guidance counselor for details on the different ways on how to avail for academic scholarships. Usually some colleges and universities accept applicants with an average high school GPA but pass the entrance test(s).

Athletic scholarship

Colleges and universities offer free education for students with exceptional gift in sports. Recipients of the athletic scholarship are often selected among the graduating high school students. However, there are some schools that open the possibility for students to apply for athletic scholarship after they have enrolled in college.

Corporate scholarship

Many companies stretch their services by granting students with free college education. The good thing about corporate scholarship is that upon receiving the degree, the grantees are assured to land on a job (on the same company that gave them the scholarship).

Institutional scholarship

Many private individuals, institutions, and groups give free college education to those who cannot pay for college tuition. Some of them answer the need of a particular race, age, gender, and locale among others.

Union scholarship

Most union scholarship grants are given to the children of its members. If one of your parents is a member of a certain union, you can inquire about the possibility of applying for a college scholarship.

Religious organizations

Religious organizations and church groups allocate a fund for scholarship grants to their members who cannot afford the cost of college education. You can inquire about this in your church.

Local government grants

One of the best sources of free college education is your local government. Here, you can get as much as 100% scholarship grant depending on their set conditions. Availing a local government scholarship can also give you a big chance to land on a job immediately.

Know all these and you will surely go to college for free.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on scholarship & other useful information, please visit Blog35141
Ardyce Blog22234

Get Financial Peace at Low Cost with Unsecured Loans

Money is a very important element of a stress free smooth life. But there have been situations in your life when you feel outraged and disappointed just because of your dwindling financial state. To overcome situations like this one helping hand can prevent you from disappointment and can help your life run as smooth as ever. Low cost unsecured loans are one such opportunity that can provide you money to fulfill all your wishes.

Low cost unsecured loans are as the name itself suggests cheap loans that are available without any security. There may be various reasons why you cannot put a security against the loan. An unsecured loan thus is available to you if you are a tenant, non-homeowner, a student etc. you want a loan. Low rate unsecured loans are also available if you own a property but still you do not wish to put it at risk.

With low cost unsecured loans, you can seek an amount ranging from 1000 to 25,000, for a period of 6months to 10 years. The interest rate will depend upon the amount you borrow and the repayment you choose. Since lenders offer low cost loans, you need not worry about interest rate. Even if you have a bad credit history, you do not need to get upset as low rate unsecured loans are available to individuals having poor credit score, arrears, defaults, bankruptcy, or any County Court Judgment. These loans can help you borrow money in a very reasonable rate which you can repay easily. Easy repayment will both make your bad credit turn good and increase your chances of getting a cheap loan in future.

You can use low cost unsecured loans for your numerous purposes. These are multipurpose loans and can be used for debt consolidation, paying off medical or educational bills, to meet wedding or holiday expenses and many more.

With a low cost unsecured loan, you will save a huge amount of money and time as well. In order to avail these loans you do not have to find lenders and contact them personally. Now you can get in touch with the kind of lender you want while just sitting at home! Yes, online lenders offer you this convenient and cost effective mode of lending the money through internet. They will simply ask you to fill an online application form where you will have to give details about your credit history and some important details. After submitting the form, your loan will be approved in a very short time and the money will also reach you soon. This is a very cost effective and fast mode of availing low cost unsecured loans.

Getting money when you need it is not an easy task. You have to apply effort and time in order to get your wishes fulfilled. Low cost unsecured loans offer you one such opportunity where you can do away with all these efforts and get easy and fast financial support.

Elizabeth Swann is currently working as an expert author for Instant Decision Unsecured Loan. She writes for loans and finance and provides advices on such issues. For more details including low cost unsecured loans, Unsecured Loans for UK Tenants, unsecured loans with poor credit, online personal unsecured loans, Unsecured Loans Tenants, Small Personal Unsecured Loans visit Audie Blog44809
Antonietta Blog74797

How Owning Your Own Domain Can Generate More Web Income

Owning your own domain gives you so much more freedom on the internet and I would say it is an absolute necessity to ensure success, as it gives you the option to make changes to your site as and when you need to.

By having your own domain you are in control of your site and your business and you will be able to design or make changes to your site so that it stands out in the crowd, makes your site unique and allows you to do the most important task of optimizing your site for the search engines so that your site can appear high up in the search results. You will also be able to project your own personality into the site.

By optimizing your site for the search engines your site will receive targeted traffic which is exactly what is required to generate web income. This basically is also free traffic if you optimize your site yourself and is known as organic traffic. Taking Google as an example, if you do a search the sites that appear on the right hand side of the page are Adwords adverts which are paid adverts. The sites that appear in the main body of the page starting on the left are free and if you have your own domain you can optimize your site so that it appears on the first page of Google. It has also been proven that the first place your eyes look at on a web page is the top left hand part of the page, so ideally that is where you want to position your site in the search results.

With your own domain your advertising options will not be limited, as they are with affiliate urls, as some sites just do not accept them. Also imagine if you were one of a few thousand affiliates belonging to the same program, you would all have the same url. If you had your own domain you could still join a few affiliate programs and then advertise those programs on your own site. Amongst other things, you could create your own splash pages for different programs, add a fly-in, a pop-up, contextual adverts or Google Adsense your options are not limited.

It makes linking so much easier too, as sometimes to get listed in a high ranked directory you will be asked to place a link-back on your home page, in the form of a text link or image. You could also add a reciprocal linking program to your site. You can so easily place advertising banners on your site, add articles or other items of interest to attract visitors to your site and have them stay on your site longer as well as increase your rankings in the search engines.

Free web tools are a great feature to offer on your site enabling the visitor to check their Link Popularity or Alexa Rating for example. It also enables you to add features to your site that encourage your visitors to return. Add a small piece of script enabling your visitors to bookmark your site. You can offer freebies such as e-books.

Then of course there is the option of adding video and RSS feeds to your site, linking it to your blog as well as all the other technical things available.

You would also be able to add your own email autoresponder campaign that automatically follows-up with your website visitors who subscribe to your Newsletter. So whenever you want to add new products, re-arrange your site layout, change the color scheme or anything you want, you can do it all instantly.

The list of what you could do by having your own domain is limitless, that is why I feel it gives you total freedom on the internet, increases your internet marketing options and generates more web income.

Cynthia Minnaar works from home online and invites you to visit for web income generating ideas and opportunities, articles and marketing tools.Abbi Blog37890
Amata Blog67412

IT Consulting: What Defines a Sweet Spot Client?

While there is no set definition in IT consulting of a sweet spot client, there are some signs that will tell you whether a prospect is a candidate. Ask the following questions to determine which of your clients will be long-term relationship material:

1. Is the client's business expanding? When the company opens another office, they will need PCs, servers and telecommunications capabilities, giving you as an IT consulting expert an excellent opportunity.

2. What communications technology does the prospect have? Does the client have a specific phone system, such as PBX? You can develop good relationships with phone retailers that might lead to referrals and IT consulting partnering opportunities. If the company has an e-mail domain and is looking to improve spam filtering, firewalls and other security issues, you have a huge IT consulting opportunity on your hands. If the company also has a dedicated server and dedicated Internet, even better.

3. Is the company dependent upon online sales? Once the prospect goes beyond micro small business and begin to add the real server, the company will have much more advanced IT needs that will drive them into position to become a sweet spot IT consulting client. If the client relies on online sales for business and the system goes down, a great deal of money will be lost, as much as potentially tens of thousands of dollars. Once the company is doing that much business, IT will become critically important, and the business will listen to you as a professional IT consulting expert.

4. What industries are the best fits for IT consulting? The healthcare, financial services and natural services industries all rely heavily on IT consulting. Don't exclude other industries, but these are the best for finding strong sweet spot candidates.

5. Are there multiple locations? If the candidate has a branch office or far-away locations, they will probably need more advanced set-ups. The more people the company has working remotely, the more it will need setups like VPNs or remote access, which is where your IT consulting firm will enter the picture.

6. Has the company paid for IT consulting previously? If the company has worked with Bars, solution providers, integrators, technology providers or professional consulting firms in the past, it will be more likely to spend money on your IT consulting firm and become a strong sweet spot client.

Copyright MMI-MMVII, Small Business Computer Consulting .com. All Worldwide Rights Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author resource box required for copyright compliance}

Joshua Feinberg gets small business computer consulting firms steady high-paying clients. Get free access now to 1 hour of Joshua's field-tested proven Small Business Computer Consulting secrets at Blog6066
Brunhilda Blog81244

Is Notebook A Better Choice Than Desktop?

If internet made the world a global village, then we might as well say that notebooks made it a global colony. With desktops, things were a click away from us; notebook shorted the distance. Now we can carry the global colony on our shoulder. High-end technology at your lap, perhaps, we need nothing to conquer the world of convergence.

The great advantage of notebooks is that it gives us a sense of portability and mobility. Looking critically, portability is the only feature, a notebook has over desktops then why do we choose to go for a notebook? Notebooks can let you carry your work conveniently and you do not have to worry about all the wires, hardware and space required to keep a desktop. Also it's a matter of choice between work and home. You may want to work from home, when your baby or wife is ill. A notebook comes in handy then.

A notebook has a different role to play for different people, but it gives an incredible sense of freedom. Gone are the days when people walked around with pen and paper. All you need to do today to make notes it to buy a notebook. You may want to quickly write a email to a radio station, which is making noise in the name of music. You may want to sit in your neighborhood coffee shop and write a book or letter. But if you want to carry your notebook everywhere you go, you have to consider the weight of the machine too. A notebook weighs between 5 to 10 pounds; an ultralight model is even lighter. Whereas, a desktop computer, with its standalone CPU, monitor, and keyboard, weighs in at about 70 pounds. A notebook takes much lesser space too and is very convenient.

Some of the most famous notebooks are Sony Vaio, Apple MacBook, Dell Latitude, Toshiba, HP. Also there are many affordable versions of notebooks marketed by companies like Fujitsu, Panasonic, IBM, Asus and etc.

Let's look at a scenario where at a school, students are quietly seated at their desks and working on a class assignment with no teachers to guide them. It's real, and is happening in many schools around us. Now, we don't have to mourn looking at our tiny ones carrying pounds of baggage in their backs. Notebook has it all, from their books to assignment copies.

When we look at the productive side of the picture, we would promptly realize that a notebook is always a wise choice for an employer too. It makes his or her employees to achieve more productivity at work. It saves critical office space. At any crucial moment, a notebook can help you to do the work, even when you are not physically present in the office. When the traffic is high, and your boss is waiting for presentation in a conference room, a notebook comes to the rescue. A desktop PC does not give all this freedom for a good worker.

A research says that employees with notebooks work more than those companies with desktop PCs. A notebook enables you to work from anywhere, while traveling, from a beauty parlor, or while waiting for someone at a shopping mall. And the only disadvantage a notebook has is its safety, unless you doubly assure it from theft. It's easy to pick and elope for anyone at a busy commercial place. So, ensure the safety of your costly gadget that makes you feel the world is at your feet and enjoy the power of technology.

This article is under GNU FDL license and can be distributed without any previous authorization from the author. However the author's name and all the URLs (links) mentioned in the article and biography must be kept.

Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Blog86030
Celestyna Blog23025

Laser Hair Removal - The Only Permanent Choice

Laser hair removal is the new black for hair removal consumers. In fact its been that way since the mid-sixties, if you knew where to look. These days the market is swamped with competing technologies, with physicians, electrologists, beauticians and self-proclaimed laserologists all vying for your attention and your credit card details. But lasers arent for everyone, and proper treatment requires some serious training and education. So if youre considering LHR as a solution to your excess hair trouble, you need to know the facts.

First off, the science. Laser treatment works by delivering light into your skin. It comes from a hand-piece at a specified wavelength. It targets dark matter, such as the pigment in your hair. So while the tissue surrounding the follicle is ignored, the laser causes thermal and/or mechanical damage to the hair follicle and inhibits its ability to produce hair.

Sounds good, right? Well, it is. Done properly, laser hair removal is safe, its very useful for large areas (unlike electrolysis), and many consumers report long lasting hair removal or permanent hair reduction. Those with light-skin and dark hair have the best results, and if there is re-growth, its often much lighter and softer than the original hair.

Its worth bearing in mind though that theres nothing long-term about how safe or effective this method of hair removal is. In fact, recent research has raised concerns about the effect of laser irradiation on other skin structures. Low-skilled treatment can result in burns, lesions, temporary skin discoloration, as well as patchy re-growth. Beyond this, laser treatment can be expensive, painful, and sometimes ineffective, even for those who fit the bill completely.

The bottom line its a good idea for some, not so much for others. Just dont trust any claims that sound too good to be true. If a practitioner doesnt admit to all of the above, hes more interested in your wallet than in your satisfaction, and if hes using words like guaranteed in his sales pitch, steer clear. Remember that while some users experience permanent hair removal, many dont. There are also inadequate controls governing the proper application of treatment from state to state.

The best thing you can do is shop around. Even the best doctors are salespeople, so therell be plenty of hype to read through before you get to the nitty gritty. If youre really confused, probably the safest person to use is a dermatologist or plastic surgeon, with specific training and qualifications in laser treatment.

Dont be afraid to call first and get all of your awkward questions out of the way. A decent, considerate physician will be more than happy to help. Set up a consultation with the person who will be carrying out the treatment. Talk to some other clients if you can. You should even be able to get some test patches done, somewhere that wont show too much if something goes wrong. Keep tabs on your findings and take your time. This is an important and sometimes expensive procedure. You probably cant afford to get it wrong.

Tamra Cantar is a freelance writer on topics of interest and has a website dedicated to providing the visitor with useful information and resources for hair removal. Visit for more information on laser and other hair removal techniques.Bambi Blog77126
Ardenia Blog3318

Ease the Discomfort of Heartburn and Indigestion, Let's Get Heartburn and Indigestion Under Control

Ease the Discomfort of Heartburn and Indigestion Let's Get Heartburn and Indigestion Under Control.

Have you ever jumped up in the night, awakened by a sudden and nauseous burning sensation in the center of your tummy? Maybe you indulged in some overly spicy chili, or overdid it on those late-night leftovers. Heartburn and indigestion can be very cruel.

These hasty heartburn and indigestion solutions will alleviate your fiery stomach and help you get back to sleep!

Initially what you'll want to do when you're awakened by heartburn and indigestion pain is to get out of bed and stand up. This helps keep the acid at bay while you go and get a full glass of cool water.

Slowly drink the glass of water, and then proceed to mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda, and half a glass of water. Be careful though, if you have high blood pressure or are pregnant, this can bring on water retention or increase your blood pressure. This will help relieve your heartburn and indigestion.

Particular foods can affect nighttime heartburn and indigestion. These foods like soda pop or beverages with caffeine (not too good before bed anyway!), alcohol, garlic, chocolate (sorry!), citrus fruits, tomatoes and tomato-based products are high on the list. Avoiding this mode of food can help alleviate your heartburn and indigestion, if you regularly find yourself awakened with that excruciating burning!

Eating a banana every day operates similar to an antacid to soothe heartburn. If you're already stricken with indigestion, eating pineapple or papaya (or drinking the juice) can help mend your stomach as expected.

If you think others would benefit from reading this article, pass it on to them.

How does this one sound? Some people also claim that eating a teaspoon of mustard (yuck!) can work without delay. If you like mustard go for it.

Keep away from eating, at least two hours prior to laying down for bed. Those late night refreshments can attack your stomach all night and prevent you from falling into a deep, restful sleep. Sleeping on your left side or at a somewhat upright angle can keep acid down where it belongs. This will decrease your chances of getting heartburn and indigestion.

Another way to help yourself from heartburn and indigestion is to eat small, frequent meals and chew your food slowly and thoroughly. Allow two or three hours to digest before going to bed or lying down

If you are awakened by heartburn on a regular basis or the pain is severe, or if you have heartburn with vomiting, you'll want to consult your doctor immediately as it may be a sign of a more serious condition such as an ulcer. Above all, avoid spicy, fatty and caffeine-containing foods before bed, and you should be able to drift off to sleep easily.

Aron Wallad created better health in his life using natural herbs...Ashlan Blog71048
Alvira Blog22121

Eating Better To Achieve Fat Loss

Eating for fat loss doesn't have to be a terrible affair. It's just a matter a relearning what is supposed to taste good and a little planning. It's been awhile since most North Americans regularly cooked their own meals from scratch. What this means is that you are not used to eating foods that are conducive to fat loss in their natural states. What you have been eating you have learned to like because that is what was fed to you. Just like you learned to like what you were eating that has been bad for you, you can learn to like something else.

The best thing I can think of to illustrate where you are now to where you want to be with better eating is my cat. Yup, my cat. You see every morning I woke up and I opened the Tupperware container, scooped up some dry bits of weight reducing formula cat food and my cat went nuts. Ariel (my cat) was just tickled pink to be getting fed food at all. This is the way it worked day in and day out. That is until one day I thought I would be a caring owner and offer her a kitty treat as an appetizer and soft canned food for the main course.

I woke up that night to find the cupboards above the sink open and a half chewed through kitty treat bag on the floor. My cat had learned about synthetic yet yummy tasting treats. Sounds like anyone you know with cookies or another late night snack perhaps?

Somewhere along the way, we all forgot what real food was. Real food doesn't come in wrappers and doesn't last 3 years on a shelf. Foods that burn fat and keep you fit and lean need to be prepared. Where most of us hit the stumbling block though is the preparation phase. We are too busy to find time to prepare. Because of this rushed lifestyle we end up grabbing something that is in a wrapper. No nutrition and no substance, just filler. That filler usually has a lot of calories too.

So what are you to do in order to get a handle on eating better and head towards fat loss with your food intake instead of weight gain? You write down three days of food intake. For the next three days, write down every single thing that goes into your mouth. Include the times of day you ate, what you ate, how much you ate and your level of hunger when you ate it. I don't care if a tub of ice cream when in you mouth, just make sure you write it down.

You can learn an awful lot about your eating habits by taking a look at this info. You will also see where you can make the big improvements that wont kill your lifestyle too much. For example, you will be able to see if the biggest area of improvement lies in needing to eat more, eat less or if its just a change of food choices. After you make the easy to implement improvements, if you want more fat loss, you can tweak the details some more.

Take a look at what days seem to kill your best eating habit intentions. Once you know, you can start a work around. The one thing you do not want to do is try to change everything at once. This is a guaranteed trip to the loony bin. Just make once change at a time and don't go any further until that one improvement to your eating habits is an ingrained part of your lifestyle.

I'm going to give you a little tip that will help this process out immensely. That tip is to take a piece of paper and divide it into two columns. On one side you write the pro's of eating better and on the other side you write the cons of eating better. This sounds simple but this really helps you to see right in front of your face the motivations and reasons why you are taking certain actions with your eating habits. Now a lot of the pro's will take care of themselves, it's the cons you want to be concerned with. What you are going to do is take one of those cons and think for as long as you need to in order to figure out a way to get around that con. It doesn't matter if it takes you days, just figure it out. The way to arrive at any goal is not to find the easiest path but to clear the path as you go. You could wait forever to find the perfect path.

I hope this helps you out.

Ray Burton is the author of Fat To Fit that can be found on the fitness website If you would like to read articles on planning your diet to lose weight please visit Blog11763
Arabele Blog33244

Advantages Of Earning Your Degree Online

Online at the Back of the Line

If earning your degree, especially as a mid-life returning student, is about personal fulfillment or training to start your entrepreneurship, then where or how you get your degree isn't important to you. What's important is simply that you learn what you need to learn.

If, however, you're looking for a degree to start or advance your career and you'll need to impress an employer or potential employer with that degree, you may be somewhat at a disadvantage having earned it online.

It doesn't seem fair, and in the next few decades this will undoubtedly change as online degrees become more common. But for now there is some resistance on the part of employers to the idea that you have learned as much as you might have in the classroom. The most notable exceptions to this are in the areas where the job skills you'll tackle once you get your degree rely on your technical and Internet savvy: high tech, new media, and telecommunications. Many employers also value an online consultant-related degree as highly as one earned on campus.

Employers' concerns about online degrees are that the student is losing out on valuable career-related input because of failure to interact face to face with instructor and peers. They also say it's just such a new concept that the jury has to be out on whether students are really learning this way - unlike classroom-focused education.

The career choices for which employers are least likely to accept online training are in health care, legal professions, biotechnology, governmental and financial services.

A survey of hundreds of human resource executives resulted in several suggestions for online-degreed job hunters: (1) Be up front with the employer that you earned your degree online; (2) Come to the interview armed with verification of the courses' or degrees' value - textbooks, tests, course materials, information on accreditation and even testimonials from respected educators or graduates who now hold influential and respected positions; (3) Offer some real hands-on experience such as an internship in the field. (4) Intersperse your online courses with courses or outside activities that show your team and people person skills - join Toastmasters, hold an office (student, non-profit organization or otherwise, join the school debate team or write for the school paper).

With one notable exception these do seem like good suggestions. The first idea, to let your employer know up front that you earned your degree online, seems self-serving on the part of these human resource folks. Surely this is not good advice for a job candidate who is under no obligation to explain how she or he got the degree - unless of course she bought it.

But that's an ethics issue. This is not. What this is more likely about is the employers' desires to delve into things about which they have no business. In the minds of many, undoubtedly, those who earn their degrees online are those who are tied down as caregivers of children, older than the age of the typical college student (which isnt' really typical anymore anyway,) or perhaps medically homebound for a time. None of which is ever the business of a recruiter.

The best advice, ultimately, for those who earn their degrees or part of their degrees online, is that they do not share this information unless asked directly. This is probably going to be sound advice at least until there has been a decade or so of entrepreneur or executive level success as a result of online-degreed education.

Robert Michael is a writer for Degree-SU which is an excellent place to find degrees links, resources and articles. For more information go to: http://www.degreesu.comAmalie Blog78893
Alys Blog70130

How Spammers Obtain Your Email Address And Why They Send Spam

You probably know that Spam is unsolicited and undesired e-mail message. Spammers are the people who send Spam. Spam is a serious problem. It is important today as never before because almost every other email message we receive is Spam. So, the question arises how spammers get your email address and why they send you Spam. Spammers can obtain your email address in three ways.

One way is to guess a mailbox name for a publicly listed domain name. Many organizations have the email addresses where the first part of the email address is a general word such as info, sales, accounts, support, etc. People often use the email addresses beginning with their first name, for example, John, Sandra, Julia. Spammers simply put the first names before the @ symbol followed by a domain name, and get possible email addresses.

Secondly, spammers can gather email addresses from the Internet. They use programs that search web pages looking for email addresses. If there is your contact email address in your web site, or if the email address is embedded into your profile, your email address will be obtained by spammers.

The third way to get your email address is to buy email lists. Some dishonest companies can make money by selling the customers information to spammers. Spammers can also bribe unscrupulous employees of companies to get a copy of the email list.

Once spammers got a list of the victims email addresses, they start spamming. They do it to make money. In general, there are two kinds of spam messages:

1.Offering trashy and fraudulent goods or services (e.g. Viagra, Cialis, medications, fake Rolexes, software programs, etc.)

2.Stock scams working on Pump and dump schemes. Spammers encourage you to invest in a particular company's stock, in order to quickly inflate its value and enable the spammers to make a fast profit.

By sending their undesired messages spammers have for an object to contact thousands or even millions people in the hope to hit one or a few dolts who actually will buy their crappy products. No dolts, no spam. But out of a million people, you will always find one or two.

Most of the Internet protocols that computers use to talk to each other are anonymous. Your email server thinks that any email server connecting to it over the Internet is giving its name properly and that the email it sends is legitimate. Spammers abuse this trust relationship to send you their garbage. The Internet protocols cannot be changed in a moment so we need another solution to the problem of spam.

Legislative attempts produced no effect. Its not easy to track a spammer located in USA sending spam using a mail server from Russia to mailboxes in Australia. Spammers are also known to use Trojans to hijack ones computer and make that person send spam on behalf of the spammer. The victim doesnt even guess about it. These people would be caught up in any comprehensive Spam legislation.

However that may be you can take some measures to protect your inbox against spam flow by yourself. There is a wide choice of anti-spam products available on the Internet. You only have to choose the right one to block Spam before it reaches your inbox. There is no guarantee that you will get absolutely no Spam but at least you will reduce its amount.

Julia Gulevich is a technical expert associated with development of computer software like AATools, G-Lock EasyMail, Spam Blocker More information can be found at Anti Spam Filter Resources Blog11381
Anthia Blog28283

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