Wednesday, January 30, 2008

10 Reasons To Start an Online Business

1: Anyone Can Do It.

Its true; it has never been so easy to start a business. Think about it, in the past you were confined mostly to brick and mortar businesses. You would need retail premises or warehousing. Now you dont need any of these. You dont need experience. Everything you need to know is out there on the World Wide Web. Get yourself a notepad, put the coffee pot on and hit the search engines. Be methodical, visit message boards, user groups and article directories. Subscribe to ezines. (Online magazines). Ask lots of Questions.

2: Low cost.

This has to be one of the cheapest ways to start your own business. Youve got a PC and an Internet connection, what more do you need? Web hosting? You can even get this for free! You may need to upgrade at a later stage, which will cost you money, but even then it wont be really expensive. A web site? Maybe, it depends what type of business you start. But again you can do it yourself with Microsoft Frontpage, or similar software. Even free web hosting may come with a Wizard to help you build a site. Content for your Web page? Again it depends what sort of business you want but this could even be found for free. As above, hit the search engines!

3: Work from home.

Didnt you always dream of working from home? No more daily commute, sitting in traffic wondering where youre life is going. More time for yourself and your family. You can wear what you like, work when you like. If you want to get up at 5 am, and work while its quiet, go ahead. A word of caution! You must be disciplined when working from home. If you got a space to call an office, then use it. Tell you family and friends not to disturb you except in emergencies. (Running out of ice cream is not an emergency).

4: No Staff.

Can you imagine running a store without staff? Or a repair shop, or almost any ordinary business. In most cases it cant be done. If you need three staff, ones on vacation and another calls in sick, youve got a real headache. But working from home you shouldnt have these problems. If you need help with some tasks, like copy writing, or web page design, You can hire peoples services online at sites like

5: Part Time.

Not only can you work from home but you can work part time. It is possible to run a very successful online business in just a few hours a week. Maybe in the early stages of creating your business, youll burn the midnight oil. But with so many repetitive tasks being done by software packages, e.g.; autoresponders, once youre set up you may need to do little more than regular maintenance. Or create new products.

6: A portable business.

One of the great things about your online business is that being run from a computer means it can be run from a computer anywhere. If youve got a laptop, you can work in the garden, or from bed. As long as you can get an Internet connection, you can go on vacation and still do some work.

7: No stock or Shipping.

If you choose a business selling information products; such as ebooks. They can be downloaded by your customer, which means you dont have to carry stock, or deal with packing and shipping. If you want to sell a physical product, search the internet for drop shippers. These are companies who carry the stock and do the shipping for you. There are drop shippers carrying an amazing variety of goods.

8: 24/7 Income.

This has to be one of the best things about your online business. You dont have to pull down the shutters at 6.00pm or any time at all for that matter. If youve set things up with lots of automation built in your web site can be pulling visitors night and day. And from around the world. You can earn money while youre sleeping.

9: More fun than work.

Its a good idea to base your business around an interest or hobby, something youre intimately involved with and knowledgeable about. Whether it is Koi carp, computer games or wedding planning, if you are passionate about it, you wont feel like youre working. You will want to get up in the morning, and get on with it. No more Monday morning blues.

10: Control your own destiny.

There is nothing quite like taking charge of your own life. You may only start part time, but when youre successful in your business, that extra income can be a real boost, and not just in spending power but in your self esteem. Maybe you like your job, but a little extra money every month will give you freedom from worrying about bills and the pleasure of spending more on your family. A few treats now and again can work wonders for your morale. If you hate your job, then looking forward to getting home to work on your own business, sure helps you get through the day. And looking forward to the day you quit, spurs you on to be successful.

I hope Ive given you something positive to think about. If youre inspired to start an online business, but still worried about the nuts and bolts of it, remember, the World Wide Web, is full of free advice. There are thousands of ebooks available, thousands of articles, thousands of products to help you, much of it low cost or free.

Start today.

Kevin Cooper is an information publisher specialising in helping people start their own home based business. You can read up on how to create your own info products without writing them yourself by going to Alena Blog78488
Cecile Blog31314


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