Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Temperance or Gluttony and Drunkenness

Beware of the Claimer of Souls

Beware of appetite and dont debase yourselves because of it. Be temperate in what you eat and in what you drink or become a glutton and a drunkard. Gluttony and drunkenness numbs the moral sensibility to such an extent that crime and wickedness becomes a delight. Good principles no longer exist as a result of eating and drinking to excess.

Ask yourselves these questions: am I a slave to appetite? Am I loosing my moral standing because of it? Am I able to say no to my friends, family, and partner when encouraged to indulge in food, drink, sex, drugs and cigarettes? Just take a little time and reflect on your life. If after pondering on your life you find that the questions above relates to you, then, you need to put the lid on your life with the words NO ENTRY and protect yourself from the jackals or forfeit your health.

However, can you change your body into a new body when it is wreck with disease? Is not prevention better than cure? And yes, indeed, the body can take a lot of abuse before it breaks down. But one day it will say enough is enough I cannot carry on any longer. I tried keeping you in good health but you just kept abusing and abusing me and now I am afraid you have to pay the price; sorry guys, I did warn you!

Furthermore, a story was told of a man who abused his body in order to gain wealth. For example, when the man got his wages he placed most of it into his Bank Account. He said to himself and to others that after ten years that he would be a rich man, then, he would eat and drink and have a good time. But little did the man know that he would die with malnutrition long before he got rich. After his death his family (brother and sisters) inherited all his wealth and squandered it. They had no respect for his money because they always encouraged him to stop abusing his body but he did not listen to their counsel. We can see here how intemperate one can be, we either dont do enough or we do too much.

Did you Know?

Did you know onions have been regarded as a cure for many ailments? There is evidence that they reduce cholesterol and help to clear colds.

Did you also know that a sprig of parsley is an excellent breath freshener and also a source of vitamin A and iron?

Did you know that one portion of fresh broccoli (100gr/4oz) provides vitamin C (just over half the recommended daily intake) and also provides vitamin B and iron?

Did you know that eating, drinking and clothes carried to the extreme are a crime and a sign of last day events?

And did you know that irregularity in eating, drinking, and the way we dress, depraves the mind and corrupts the heart and brings the noble attributes of the soul in slavery to the animal passions.

Did you know that perverted appetite reduces ones vitality, bringing suffering and decay?

Because intemperance in eating and in drinking numbs ones sensibilities, sacred things have been placed on a level with common things? Once again, ask yourself this question: am I a slave to gluttonous appetite?

Remember that there is danger in eating and drinking: beware, restrain, and deny unnatural appetite. Remember also, that if you create a perverted appetite you violate the laws of your being, bringing disease and suffering to it.

Copyright 2006 Words of Life and Health

Veronique Belmar write books on Health, Biblical Prophecies, Children's Books, Poetry, and many more. At the age of ten she was interested in eating healthily and taking part in different sporting activities, and at fifteen her favourite books were based on health and lifestyle literatures. Because of her involvement in these literatures, she discovered the importance of health, lifestyle, what to eat and what not to eat. Also, how to live an honourable life, in order to be happy, healthy and prosperous; and now she is able to tell, and help others care for their health and happiness. Veronique Belmar is author of both Life and Health Joy ( and of Words of Life ( Blog9190
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